Jee was tasked to carry out an integrity review of an onshore gas line in the UK, paying particular focus on the Cathodic Protection (CP) system.
Onshore pipelines are regularly subjected to a number of conditions rarely found offshore and expert integrity reviews are vital to ensure the longevity of the line. If threats to integrity are not located and promptly addressed, they can result in expensive repair work or even failure of the line.
The pipeline in question ran through areas with a diverse range of conditions, posing several varying risks to integrity.
Jee's team walked the line and identified threats including sections where the pipeline ran underneath high voltage AC power lines, alongside DC powered rail lines, close to a number of neighbouring pipelines and through sections of marsh land.
Jee commissioned trial pits to take thickness readings on the selected parts of the line. Areas of corrosion pitting were found, and where necessary wrapped.
Measures taken to avoid corrosion worsening in the future included reinstating the pre-existing zinc ribbon protecting the line close to the AC power lines, adjusting the bonds with other pipelines and rail lines and specifying different intelligent pig more suited to finding the types of defect occurring.
The work by our expert team ensured that the client was able to save money, time and effort in securing the integrity of their onshore gas line.
Download our Onshore Pipeline Capability Statement to explore the full scope of Jee's services.